To be an Asian leader in industrial waste management using latest green technology. Today’s Unifine Star stood for quality, value added solutions, reliability and satisfaction. Working together with Unifine Star ensures that your business will be scaling ladder to boundless success in no time. We are dedicated to protecting the environment. This means that all of our hazardous waste environmental services are geared towards recycling and reuse of materials collected by us.
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Mr. Benni Chua Eng Seng the founder and Managing Director’s mission is to provide an efficient and environmentally - friendly methodology for the collection, treatment and recycling of industrial waste into a renewable source of energy and value - added products for exports to the Asean region. The company aims to grow as a global enteprise in Asean thus it is seeking potential business partners overseas because Asean offers tremendous business oppotunities in recycling. Unifine Star cares for you business and so makes Unifine Star your partner to work with today!
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Unifine Star firmly believes that long-term customer satisfaction is the determining factor of our success. To continue meeting the changing needs of our valued customers, Unifine Star is committed in providing a higher standard for superior quality products and value added service. Unifine Star also believes in delivering quality projects and services with the highest professional ethics and personal integrity.

- Customer Respect us
- Investor Comes to us
- Staff Follow us
- Government support us
- Innovative value